For one who has just started the game as a Rainbow Friends beginner, let us introduce you to the characters here, and there are a few of them as follows. Note that these are basically the monsters, and you will have to deal with them in different ways one by one.

Blue Monster

The most common and first-handed monster that a Rainbow Friends beginner will catch up with is the Blue Monster. This is the main character. The Blue Monster is quite speedy with his movements, and players are finding it harder to prevent him than others because he is kind of speeding to catch you.


So, if you want to avoid this Blue Monster, you can use your box quickly before he tries to kill you from the game. You can also enter into a crawl space or a closet as it is also a place for you to avoid him.

Green Monster

Green Monster is not that hard to deal with by a Rainbow Friends beginner because he is blind. Is not getting a real idea about your location, and it makes you avoid him easily. But sometimes, he is very clever to block you from a certain location as well as form doors. But, don’t be dared to touch him. Touching can make you die, and note that the box will also not work for him, just like you did for Blue Monster.


Orange Monster

Orange Monster is a lizard, and he is following his own created orange trail from the map. You can easily know his coming because he took the loudest steps than others. We don’t recommend a Rainbow Friends beginner to touch Orange Monster or be closer to him because it makes it easier for him to catch you. This monster is hard to handle because of his amazing speed, but still, you can use the box up, making you avoid him easily.


If you want not to be attacked by this monster, you can try to feed him from the food machine. If you see the orange trail at any time, just avoid it because it can follow you throughout the map.


Purple Monster

Purple Monster maybe seems more creepy than others but still not that hard to escape. A Rainbow Friends beginner would not be able to see him often as he hides from the vents, and suddenly, there are chances for you to be caught up by him through his long arms. So, constant attention is a must.


If you ever encounter the eyes from the vents, it means that Purple Monster is there, so you have a better chance to avoid him with good attention. Don’t touch the water from the ground; try to get in the footsteps to avoid this creepy monster.